Cheyenne ... the Shop Cat
Santa Claus dropped off a surprise for Cowboy Gunworks on Christmas. 'Cheyenne' is a female Maine Coon Cat that is expected to grow to be about 20 pounds and be a companion for Jimmy as he works in shop. She is also in charge of security for the shop so she spends most of her sleeping with brief periods of craziness running around the shop and playing.
 Cheyenne when she first came to Cowboy Gunworks.
 Cheyenne - taking a look a the flowers she will rip down, the blinds she will scratch to pieces, the tapestry she will pull down, and the leather couch that she will carve up like a Totem Pole! Ahh, it's great to be a cat...
 Cheyenne on the big bed in the house a few weeks later. Too cute for words.
 Cheyenne using a stock as a perch.
 Cheyenne endorses Ruger's with the Cowboy Gunworks 'Full Race Gun' package.
 Here is where she hangs out above Jimmy's bench. Notice the circular staircase on the left and then walkway leading to the copy of his shop building on the upper right for her to hang out and take a cat nap while watching Jimmy Spurs work.
 Cheyenne resting in her cat house.
 Cheyenne posing on her stairs.
 Cheyenne checking out Jimmy coming in the door.
 Jimmy and Cheyenne.
 Cheyenne hard at work supervising Jimmy from her cathouse.
 Cheyenne giving a big yawn ...
 Dingo and Cheyenne meeting. Dingo belongs to Hawley McCoy and Grazer.
 Cheyenne putting the smackdown on Dingo. She's a scrapper.
 Cheyenne on Jimmy's shoulder in March 2008.
 Cheyenne hanging out over the right end of the "There's No Place Like Home" sign.
 May 2008 - Wait until she grows into these paws!
 May 2008 - Looking for something tasty ...
 Hey, can I have some privacy? I'm trying to hunt ...
 Cheyenne on her favorite perch - June 2008.
 Cheyenne lounging in the 1973 Scotty Trailer while Jimmy works on guns.
 Cheyenne helping out Jimmy late at night.
 Checking out the presents on her 1st birthday.
 Cheyenne at her 1st Birthday ...
 Cheyenne chilling in the fridge in December 2008.
 Cheyenne with Jimmy on Christmas Day 2009.
Rest in Peace, Cheyenne. 10/14/07 - 1/2/09
Cheyenne came to us on Christmas Eve 2007. After spending the last two years in the shop alone every day, Karen decided to get me a companion ... a female Maine Coon Cat. Maine Coon Cats are known to be the largest and most companion-like of all cat breeds. After reaching full maturity in four years they can reach up to a healthy and fit weight of 35 lbs.
Every morning for the last year she would ride on my shoulder as we would go to work and she would hitch a ride the same way at night when we finished for the day. Once we were in the house she would wait in the front bay window of our house every night for Karen to come home from work and watch her leave for work in the morning.
I would take Cheyenne for rides in the pick/up a few times a week when she was a kitten so that she would get use to traveling. On many a Sunday my friend John Chapman aka Punksatony Phil would invite Cheyenne and myself over for dinner. Whenever we were at our Vermont house Paul Moulton aka Island Pond Paul along with his best friend Charlie would pick us up in the morning. Paul and I would grab a coffee. Charlie would hang out on Paul's lap and Cheyenne on mine as we drove around on the back roads at 10mph for hours at a time just enjoying each others company. Charlie and Cheyenne would play together like they were brother and sister while Paul and I would shoot cans up at his camp and just relax.
Cheyenne traveled to many shoots with me whenever possible ... New Hampshire State, Maine State with my niece Rachel aka Little Ruby, Helava Rukus in NY, the North East Regional Cowboy Mounted Shoot in Massachusetts, to name a few and even made it down to the SASS North East Regional aka The Mason Dixon Stampede with myself, Paul, John and Jack Mousier aka Splinter Jack. She loved being outside and would just hang around the camp and wait for us to finish shooting for the day.
When winter time came for her second time, she could not wait to play outside in the snow. She would run after snowballs when I would toss them to her and try to catch the large snow flakes as they would fall.
On January 2, 2009 after driving 3 1/2 hours on a snowy morning, my good friend Skip Slater aka Ivory Thunder made the trip up from Connecticut to put a new window in the shop that would give Cheyenne a better view of the outside to look around, as she was getting too big to use the ones over the garage doors. I shared my blueberry muffin with my Cheyenne as we chatted all for a while. Soon after that she wanted to go out for a bit, as she had seen a few squirrels in a neighbors' yard earlier. I opened the door after only 3 minutes to call her back in when I found her in the dooryard. Her good friend and mine, Danny Racca rushed us to the vet but.......
I can only figure she must have bumped her head on a passing car or fallen from a tree playing with the squirrels. She was 18lbs after her first year and very strong. She would sometimes climb up the smallest trees to a height of 20ft or more.
We held a beautiful service with friends and neighbors as Karen and I laid her to rest in our back yard. To say that we miss her is an understatement, but it's all I can put into words.
We Will Love You Forever Cheyenne.
Daddy, Mommy, Family and Friends
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Cowboy Gun Works
Jim McMahon aka 'Jimmy Spurs'
3107 Head of the Pond Rd
Island Pond, VT 05846
Cell Phone: 603-490-0312
Email: (The best way to reach him.)
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